Every aspect of his ministry is to “Hasten the marriage of the Lamb”
Soon after giving his life to JESUS at the age of 17, he was called into full time evangelistic ministry. God in His mercy helped him to carry out this work through city wide crusades and teaching conferences.
For the last 37 years he has travelled extensively all over India and to many nations, spreading the Love and Power of JESUS CHRIST.
Countless thousands have been saved, healed, delivered and filled with the Holy Spirit. Many are also trained to serve the Lord. He is married to Madhu and they are blessed with two children, they live in Bangalore, India.
S .R. Manohar strongly believes that in these last days there will be a revelation of JESUS CHRIST in and through His people and many will come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ
Every aspect of his ministry is to “Hasten the marriage of the Lamb”. In all his teaching sessions there is a mighty move of the Holy Spirit convicting people, transforming and beautifying them as the “Bride of Christ longing for her Bridegroom’s return”. The love of God that is poured in these meetings is very unusual, pure and exalting Christ.
In 2004 the LORD has also led him to start a Church in Bangalore. In every gathering God moves in His own sweet way and the main teaching of the Church is “Christ revealed in us”(Gal. 1:16; 4:19). S.R.Manohar strongly believes that in these last days there will be a revelation of JESUS CHRIST in and through His people and many will come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. God’s fullness will come in His people and the prayer of our Lord Jesus will be answered, “…..that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them” John 17:26 (NIV)
Brother S R Manohar’s Testimony