Getting a life partner – many times people say, how do I get the right life partner? I’m seeking a life partner, and I’m searching everywhere for a life partner. What should I do? Let’s go to the word of God.
# 1. When did Adam get a life partner and how did Adam get a life partner? The Bible says that Adam didn’t even know that he needed a life partner, because Adam was so much complete in himself and one with God. He never realized that he needed a life partner. God felt the need. God realized that Adam needed a life partner. ‘It is not good for man to be alone. I will bring a helper into his life, a companion fit for him’. So the first thing is, Adam didn’t realize this, because Adam was complete.
It was God who realized Adam’s need and brought a life partner into his life. So the first thing is, you need to know that we have to focus on being complete and becoming complete. The day we become complete, God will say, ‘Yes, now this person really needs a helpmate fit for him’ and then God will bring the right life partner (the right person) into our lives. It is God who joins us in marriage.
So, we need to pray saying, ‘God, help me to be complete’. Just focus on being complete in God and complete in yourself because the world’s saying is, when a person introduces his wife he says, ‘this is my better half.’ That means this person is half and his spouse is another half. We both are half and half and together we make one full person. No! God wants you to be completely one, so that you are complete and God brings another complete (person).
Two completes will become one big complete for the glory of God. If you are half and your spouse is another half, then you keep looking at each other for the other half to become complete. So, you don’t look to one another, to become complete. You got to be complete in yourself and God will bring the right person into your life.
# 2. The next thing is you will find that God brought a life partner into some people’s lives in a supernatural way. For example, you know how Rebecca was brought into Isaac’s life, in a miraculous way. We also see how Rachel was brought into Jacob’s life in a miraculous way and how Ruth was brought into Boaz’s life. All these marriages took place when God brought them together in a supernatural way. So we got to expect the Holy Spirit to work out things in a supernatural way regarding bringing the right person into our lives.
Expect God to do wonders in bringing the right person into your life. Even if it is arranged marriage, ask God to intervene in such a way and work out things so beautifully that even your arranged marriage will be a testimony to the people, saying, ‘oh, this is how God did for us. Though it’s an arranged marriage, the way things worked out, we could see the hand of God, we could see miracles, God speaking or guiding or God showing something’. So, there should be some divine movement taking place, in bringing two people together in holy marriage.
The last thing I want to share is, you see, Isaac found his wife when Isaac was staying beside the well Beer-lahai-roi. He was near the well, when he got his wife. Jacob got his wife near the well. Moses got his wife near the well. Jesus is going to get His bride. The bride is going to stay near the well – the well of salvation! She will be drawing water from the well of salvation, a river springing up into everlasting life, a well springing up into everlasting life and rivers of water flowing.
So pray that God will keep you near the well of salvation and your life partner also will be near the well of salvation, in whom the river of God will be flowing – the water of life will be rising up inside! Your spouse will be a person, who has God as number one priority, who has the word of God as number one priority, who has love for the Holy Spirit, love for Souls, who loves the Lord and in whom life is springing up as well unto everlasting life. Ask God for a person in whom Jesus is the center, who loves Jesus, who is already married to Jesus, then your marriage will be so beautiful and God will be glorified! God bless you!
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